“My kind of town…” – Yes, I am in the Windy City not home in the Big Easy.
I have had a great day in Chicago at the AAOS (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons) convention. The seminar I attended today focused on the future of healthcare. If was heavily geared toward want I should do as your doctor to be more in touch with you, my patients. It may seem hard to believe that sitting in a seminar all day would lead to me saying I “had a great day” but I really did get a great deal out of it.
Much of what we talked about today focused on the expected changes coming to healthcare with the new government regulations. One things is extremely clear, we will need to work through the changes together. Only with cooperation between you and my staff and I will we be able to ensure you to get the best care possible.
With that being said, please let me know if you have any questions!
Email me at: questions@drpam.md
I will be tweeting @drpamortho and blogging here all week!