Many patients have trouble with itching inside their casts.
Here are some ideas to try to help alleviate the itching:
1. A hairdryer on a low heat setting. This tends to work very well because usually what causes the itching is sweating beneath the cast. This can help dry the sweat and also cools the limb.
2. Benadryl or another antihistamine can sometimes help with the itching.
3. Elevate the limb if possible. This could reduce swelling and allow more airflow between the casting material and the skin irritation.
I am hesitant to suggest powder. It could help if there is a small amount of moisture, however, often times there is too much moisture that will end up causing the powder to turn pasty and uncomfortable under the cast.
Also, NEVER stick anything into the cast because you could cause scratches on the skin which could then become infected. Additionally if something breaks off under the cast, this could cause a pressure ulcer inside the cast. If this does happen, call and come back into the office as soon as possible so that the cast can be changed.
I highly suggest you do not do anything that looks like this:
As with any medical issue if you are experiencing discomfort and need help never hesitate to contact your physician!